Practice Today, Monday 11/6

6 Nov 2017 by Savannah H. Faile

Happy Monday Patriots!

If you are on the list of “Intramural Cheerleaders Eligible for Interscholastic Team Selection” then that means you had an acceptable GPA, discipline history and safety and terminology test score. Congratulations! Your hard work has paid off! It does not mean, however, that we will not re-evaluate these things when it comes time for our final team selection!

IF YOU HAVE NOT TAKEN THE SAFETY AND TERMINOLOGY TEST PLEASE COME TO PRACTICE THIS EVENING TO DO SO*** Always be mindful of your class and practice attendance, your grade-book (Skyward), and be sure that you remain in dress-code/follow staff instructions/be respectful etc. These things matter! We’ll worry about your physical abilities at practices!

Reminder All practices are CLOSED, this means only intramural cheer participants can attend. No family, friends, other students, etc. **

Remember the number of resources you have available to you this year! Fellow cheerleaders, veteran cheerleaders, multiple coaches, video tutorials and the Team App!

There are great things ahead of you this year!


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